This figure is for INAV, I am using ardupilot with Mission Planner. I would like use Serial 4 for main GPS, as shown in above figure.
When I connect my GPS to UART3, everything is fine. I got a “NoFix” message cause I am indoor.
When I connect the same GPS to UART4, I got “NoGPS” message.
I tried to modify parameters below:
SERIAL3_PROTOCOL 5-> -1 disble gps@Serial3
GPS_TYPE2 0->1
I don’t think you need to adjust with GPS_AUTO_SWITCH or GPS_TYPE if you’re only using one GPS module. Those adjustments are only required for multiple GPS.
I found my GPS module is broken, I got a new one today.
And also, I got response from Mateksys, quota “GPS can work on any spare UART-TX & RX. If you connect just one GPS, DO NOT enable GPS_TYPE2, GPS_TYPE should be still 1, then set SERIALx_PROTOCOL = 5 on corresponding UART”
But it is quite strange, I use the same cable, same GPS module, connect to serial3, 4 and 5. Only serial 3 has GPS noFix infomation. Both serial 4/5 show noGPS.
My settings are attached, do I need change other settings?
And another question is : the GPS module is 9600 Baud rate, I do not know why 38400@serial 3 works.