Hi All,
I’m trying to expose the map class to the python script runner so I can draw on top of the map live (lines between coordinates etc). I have setup a mesh network that I’m using to transmit telemetry and video back to mission planner, and would like to draw the location of these relay nodes (they have a GPS on them) on the map, alongside some lines to show the path of telemetry being received. I did start with running a SITL instance on each node to send back GPS, but still doesn’t solve the line issue.
I have looked into (and built the stock version) of MP in visual basic but unsure as to what I should be referencing (ClassInstance) when adding “scope.SetVariable(Variablename, ClassInstance);” taken from this page Using Python Scripts in Mission Planner — Mission Planner documentation. I have done some digging into the code and pretty sure its part of the GMAP class but I’m new to C# and how things are referenced.
The other option is if this is exposed through iron python anyway, without needing a custom build of mission planner (which would be nicer). Example 4 shows some use of setting waypoints, but errors when run MissionPlanner/example4 wp.py at master · ArduPilot/MissionPlanner · GitHub .
Any suggestions on where to look for reference material or direct help would be greatly appreciated.