Exporting nmea sentences from MP

Hi all,

I’m trying to export Nmea sentences from a “Ublox neo-n8m / pixhawk” from MP to Reefmaster software through a virtual COM port.

Reefmaster only accepts/ needs (DBT, DPT, GGA, GLL, HDG, HDM, HDT, RMC, VTG) nmea sentences to acquier GPS data.

When I export Ublox data from MP there’s only these sentences (GGA, RMC, RPY) ,so Reefmaster doesn’t find any location.

I’ve been trying to change gps_navfilter and gps_type but the log is the same.

Any Idea? Thank you so much in advance.

I am facing a similar problem. I am using a lefacy software in conjunction with MP which only need GPGGA and GPRMC. Each in new line and thats it. But the data i am receiving from mission planner has alot of spaces and a extra sentence GPRPY whoch i do not need. How can I negelect this RPY sentence and remove the extra spaces. Also the time in NMEA standard is hhmmss … but mission planner sentences also have a decimal component to the time part of the sentences.

Btw in my serial cable i have only connected the rx tx in cross and the ground wire. Do need to connect anyother control wires to solve the extra spaces problem between sentences? Is there any setting in mission planner to edit what is being sent?

Code is in the SerialOutputNMEA.cs file, it is hardcoded but anyone with some basic programming knowledge can modify it…

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