Exporting GPS trajectory from BIN file in Mission Planner with millisecond time stamps

After filtering for GPS in the Log Browser of Mission Planner and exporting to csv I lose precision in the time stamp. The Log Table shows the time to milliseconds but the csv file shows the time to the nearest second only.

Table in Log Browser

csv Table

192 11/23/21 8:52 GPS 1905054325 6
830 11/23/21 8:52 GPS 1905098673 6
1817 11/23/21 8:52 GPS 1905175262 6
2026 11/23/21 8:52 GPS 1905215244 6
2112 11/23/21 8:52 GPS 1905255093 6
2191 11/23/21 8:52 GPS 1905294652 6
2299 11/23/21 8:52 GPS 1905354973 6
2436 11/23/21 8:52 GPS 1905415310 6
2522 11/23/21 8:52 GPS 1905455080 6
2624 11/23/21 8:52 GPS 1905515154 6

How can I get the GPS time stamps exported to milliseconds?

Also, is there anywhere a definition of the US Time and GMS fields in the GPS log table?

Thanks in advance for any help.

The data is in the csv file, it looks like an excel formatting error.
This is what you have in the csv (in notepad)

Try formatting the filed with a custom format like this “yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.0”

Thanks Andras! I should have thought of opening the csv in Notepad++ before posting the question.