ESC telemtry I don't have current value

Hi all,

I try to add telemtry for my ESC, everything works fine, I got all value volt, rpm, temp but current is always at 0, when I try a motor test I have always 0 for current is it normal ?
I have exactly the same view that the tuto

My esc are T Motor ESC F35A 32bit 5S

As far as i can tell they dont have current sensors not all ECSs do.

Ok, so maybe I’ll be looking for a new esc with current sensor

Hi, how did you connect esc to flight controller for esc telemetry I am using t-motor f35a 3-6s esc I need rpm data for dynamix notch filter can you help me

First determine if you can run Bidirectional Dshot firmware with the Flight Controller you are using. Then there is no additional connection for RPM and it’s a better source than serial port telemetry for the notch filter. Otherwise there is a wealth of information on the Wiki:
ESC telemetry
There is a “T” pad on those ESC’s. Tie them all together, connect to the Rx of a serial port and configure that port for ESC telemetry.

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Thanks I will try bdshot

is there any process after run bidirectional Dshot firmware

Thanks I solved with few params but should I change the rate for faster data transmission for notch filter

If you are using Bdshot then no. What Flight Controller?

I am using Cuav x7+ for flight controller