ESC telemetry for battery monitor

I have had a big problem with vtx flickering with increased rpm. Adding capacitors, using other power sources for vtx equipment etc did not help.

The only working remedy so far found was to feed the fc from an external power source and not via the normal Vbat line from the esc (esc is TMotor 55A Pro II, fc is Mateksys H743 Slim V3).

Connecting Vbat to an external source of course results in an erroneous Vbat reading in the battery monitor. Thus I had to switch from battery monitor “analogue” to using “esc” telemetry which works well for the voltage.

Unfortunately this esc reports current only via the “curr” connection at the fc and the monitoring functions for an “analogue” sensor alternatie seems to be totally switched off when selecting ESC as battery monitor source.

I am thus looking for a solution where battery monitoring alternative “esc” is used for reading the voltage and the “analogue” alternative for the current (hope you understand :slight_smile: )

Has anyone else come across this problem and found a solution?

After having tested how the battery monitors work I found a simple solution by using Batt2 connections for sensors while still feeding a “cleaner” external 10V to Vbat (actually the esc has such an output targeted for the FC and other equipment)

By soldering battery voltage and current measurement sensing cables to Vbat2 and Curr2 and change BATT_CURR_PIN to 7 and BATT_VOLT_PIN to 18 I could measure the correct values again without any further changes (i e keep the previous analogue settings).

I may have to make a new calibration as BATT2 connection seems to have a bit different specs according the Mateksys docs but I have not tested this yet.