ESC init problem

It’s now merged in to 4.4-dev

Thx! I will test soon.

Thanks a lot @andyp1per ! All motors are spinning. I see PWM value.
Why can’t I see other ESC data like “esc1_curr” or “esc1_volt”? The cable is connected (RX8{Serial5,FC} - ESC) and this is indicated in the Ardupilot settings.




Post your full parameter list

k_25_10_2022__1.param (20.8 KB)

Try setting SERVO_BLH_AUTO to 1. I suspect its some problem with your blheli setup

Setup, rebooted the flight controller, the result is the same - in the “status” window, only the PWM values ​​are displayed. What else can be done?


Make sure you are using mavlink 2 in your USB connection


Today I did a test flight, everything works. Thank you!
I will adjust the RPM filter, I hope the available data (RPM) is enough for it.