Just build the X500 kit made by holybro, I tried calibrating the 4 ESC’s at once using the throttle up method. Nothing is happening however. Any special method to do this? (I am a beginner). Should i switch off the arming check?
EDIT: I am using missionplanner and calibrated everything already. RC etc is working properly. When powering the drone, the motors move a tiny bit, which makes me think they are connected correctly as well
ps: I cannot arm the drone. PreArm: Hardware safety switch. I tried pressing the button on the GPS module and it doesn’t seem to arm. Holding it longer gives another error: Check firmware or FRAME_CLASS
For now disable the switch. I never use a safety switch on a multirotor (personal preference) but you can re-enable it later if you want. Set BRD_SAFETYENABLE to 0.
But, it should function. Post your parameter file.
You didn’t configure a FRAME_TYPE. No motors are assigned to outputs. Select 1 as the FRAME_TYPE then re-start (power cycle) and try the Motor Test again. And make sure they are running in the proper order and direction:
Thanks a lot. It did help, yet the problem is not solved. During the ESC callibration, the sequence ended with 8 low fequency beeps (which makes me think it wasn’t succesful). Tried using low throttle to power the motors which worked. The motor
test however doesn’t seem to work. Beeps are coming you of the system, yet no motor movement (even at 20%)