Errors, speed/angle, and angry Copter. Loiter vs. PosHold (angle_max)

So in the logs here:
Logs, 1
This is on a 10" running on a H743.

You’ll see that my little drone does fine in Loiter mode. It’s slow, steady, stable.
When I pop it to PosHold and have more control it moves much faster, but freaks out. Constant errors popping up, jerks around some. No longer fun to fly.
It’s way faster though.

I replaced the compass and GPS Module, and recalibrated.

My questions:

  1. How do I find the max “Angle_Max” where it’ll stay flying. Right now the angle it too much, and it drifts to the ground losing altitude. So there’s a number between 45 deg, and 65 deg where it won’t lose altitude when moving forward at max stick.

  2. What can I do about the constant GPS and Compass errors. (glitch cleared, over and over) Also EKF_yaw_reset, constantly. It’s fun to go fast, but it’s so angry it’s not worth it. Is this a matter of the speed, or angle screwing up the GPS? Is the H743 not fast enough to sort it out?

Thanks so much for your guidance.

For who finds this post in the future and wants some info:

Implemented “blend” GPS with another (identical) GPS module.
Changed default compass to new GPS module (aka higher up away from interference)
This fixed almost all my weird issues. Hardly get a glitch now. Hover with just GPS is crazy stable now. Not that it was bad before, but now it’s amazing.

See pics. Also added how my 03 air camera system is setup. I can move camera up/down depending. Using a slider on my radio.

Would recommend GPS blend!
OH! And as for cruise angle I just trial and errored it. Answer is about 53 degrees.



You could try running MagFit on a flight log to see if it can improve the compass calibration. If you’ve got current data it will take that into account to set the compass MOT values so the compass is stable as you run the throttle.

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Cool thanks Allister. I put the values in. They were very different.
I’ll give it a fly in a bit, maybe doing some of those figure 8s it mentioned, and see what I get then.
