Error while compiling SITL for ArduPilot

I get the following error while trying to compile SITL for ArduPilot. I’ve followed the instructions on how to run it on Windows available on the webpage 1.

I’d appreciate if somebody could give me a hand on this.

Do not use make sitl -j4 use .\waf copter instead

I’ve found the error: had forgotten to run

git submodule update --init --recursive


update your git sub modules in proper folder/location.

The recommended thing to is is run “” from the Vehicle directory (like in /ArduPlane or in /ArduCopter) and it will handle all the submodule stuff

Hello I am also having the same problem, I want to simulate plane not copter, I used your command what you said with modification, but it give me error

bash: .waf: command not found
Please help me.

You need to follow the instructions on the website and install a couple of packages in your computer first.

On windows:

or on linux:

and .waf is wrong. It has to be ./waf on linux or .\waf on windows.