Error to ARM the drone

Hello Team,

I am using Quadcopter drone. All Firmware updates are installed, Calibration/ Programming is complete.

I am getting Errors while trying to ARM the drone. Image is attached for the reference.
Requesting you to help me with this issue.

For more details and for better conversation you can also connect me on my phone number. +91 9511639594.

Does that say battery below minimum arming voltage?
You also have no GPS position.
You can clearer information from the Messages tab.

Are you testing outside with a good view of the sky?
What battery cells and chemistry do you have?

Go into full paramater list and set
and try reboot the flight controller. This will create a new log, after some time and errors are captured, set LOG_DISARMED,0
Download the new log and upload it to a filesharing site and post a link here - then we can check in the log what is happening.

Copter “thinks” you are using a 2S battery. The default minimum is 3S. Basically you need to do 3 things: #1, You need to read and comprehend the documentation for your radio transmitter and receiver as well as for ArduCopter/Mission Planner. #2, You must configure the battery monitor and #3, you need to install a GPS/Compass module. Or if you are so inclined you can disable those devices but you will NOT have GPS assisted flight modes like Loiter, Position Hold, Return To Launch, Geo Fence, Low Battery Fail Safe and so on. In my opinion doing so renders the aircraft unsafe to fly.