Error message from Autotune when tuning YAW ANGLE P

Hello Bill,

I tuned the tail on my 800 Heli (8.5kg) today using AUTOTUNE.

First I tuned RAT_P/D. When switching back from AUTOTUNE-testing to AUTOTUNE itself I made a mistake, so it didn’t save the AUTOTUNE values. I then saved/stored the values for P and D for this manually in the parameters of the FC. So no problem.
But I was surprised that RAT_D remained at the initial value of 0.003. AUTOTUNE determined the RAT_D value by 0.003. Am I seeing this correctly?

Here is the log file: Microsoft OneDrive

And then I tried to tune ANGL_P. This resulted in the error message “ AutoTune: Exceeded frequency range”.

What does this error mean and what can I do?

Here is the corresponding log file: Microsoft OneDrive

Thank you for your help.

