Error in including paths from Ubuntu WSL to VSCode

Hi everyone, I am trying to make a new T-Motor Thunder 300A 24s ESC driver. Although I am a rookie in building code, I am trying this on Ubuntu WSL on Windows 10 and having trouble with the includes in various files. I have cloned the Ardupilot repo into a local WSL (Ubuntu), but I am having trouble with the cpp files not being able to open header files which are located in the WSL storage. Currently, I am facing trouble in this part:

This is my C++ configuration file snapshot:

As visible in the screenshot, I have included paths to my Windows C storage, where I have a copy of the Ardupilot repo, which I also have in the WSL storage. So, I am working in VScode on the Ardupilot local repo that’s in the WSL storage, while referencing the libraries (which are present in my C: storage) in the included paths.

Please help me in areas, where I might be inefficient or wrong.

just clone the repo into wsl filesystem and not on windows.
Moreover to have the generated headers like the mavlink one’s, you need to trigger the build once