Error downloading logs

Hello, I just upgraded to chibios 3.6.1 and was trying to tune a quadcopter by looking at the dataflash log params yaw and des yaw, after the third flight i noticed i some of the logs went missing and after tweaking the yaw params reflying and trying download the dataflash log i recieved an error shown below.

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ive been strugling to download logs and get similar message thought it was my old computer

please provide a tlog. but normally this is a hardware issue, nothing to do with mission planner.

ie format the sdcard normally resolves it.

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will try formating the card and thank you

Here is the tlog right before the last dataflash log i was able to downlaod.2018-11-15 18-26-23.tlog (48.1 KB)

here is the link to the tlog that i couldn’t download the log file from.

i had a look at the log, and the hardware appears to hang/freeze. the companion computer keeps talking, but the autopilot stop responding. I would suggest verifying the sd card.

Hello, sorry i didn’t folllow up with this after finding the issue. What i ended up doing is reflashing the Edison image onto the intel edison and things started working properly again. I was initial having problems finding the right driver to communicate with the edison when i wrote the initial image onto the edison, so that may have also caused in issue.