Enabled Lua now black cube bricked

I enabled lua scripting on one of my cubes nd now it doesn’t connect to MP anymore and stays in “already got param” forever. Is there a way to disable scripting without connecting to a gcs?
I disabled terrain before enabling lua but it loooks like F4 boards get bricked with lua activated.

I am experiencing the same problem (also with the cube black) after I activated Lua scripting today. I tried booting without the micro SD card, loading the parameters via USB, different telemetry systems… nothing helped.

But I noticed an interesting thing: MavFTP seems to be not working. Before the parameter download I get a message saying “checking for Param MAVFTP”. It takes about half a minute until it disappears. It seems there is something wrong with it.

I found a solution for the problem. You can use APM Planner 2 to connect to the Pixhawk. It takes longer then normal, but you can see that it’s making progress in the lower left corner (1042/1073 Parameters loaded and so on). After you’ve connected, you need to activate the advanced view in the file menu (upper left corner). Then you can deactivate SCR_ENABLE in the full parameter list with no problem.

Great!! Will try
