Email Notifications

Is it possible to set up email notifications to be the same as NING. i.e. you get notified of new topics that are posted, but no further notification, and if you reply to a topic, you get notifications of each response to that topic.

And i don’t mean, “There’s one or more new posts” type notification, but the actual text of the new response. This greatly reduces the need to visit the forum. You can just read responses and visit when you have input.

Visiting forum the every time, just reduces the time to respond to active discussions or new entries.


Moved to Forum help and Feedback :slight_smile:.

Have you tried the “Subscribe forum” and “Subscribe topic” links?

Hi Stefan,
As i wrote in my original post, I have subscribed to posts and forums. This is specific request to change that behaviour. For example, this is useless for me as a response in an email

[quote]"Hello billbonney,

You are receiving this notification because you are watching the topic,
“Email Notifications” at “”. This topic has received a reply
since your last visit. You can use the following link to view the replies
made, no more notifications will be sent until you visit the topic.

If you want to view the newest post made since your last visit, click the
following link:

If you want to view the topic, click the following link:

If you want to view the forum, click the following link:

If you no longer wish to watch this topic you can either click the
"Unsubscribe topic" link found at the bottom of the topic above, or by
clicking the following link:


Thanks, The Management"[/quote]

This would have been much much more useful in an email

[quote=“StefanG”]Re: Email Notifications
Moved to Forum help and Feedback .

Have you tried the “Subscribe forum” and “Subscribe topic” links?

If you want to view this post, click the
following link:

Ok, gotta do some research…

Any progress on this? I want to be able to scan through the content in the email so I can decide whether it’s worth my time to proceed to the forum. I get about 75 forum emails/day, and most of them I trash. I scan them all looking for relevant information.
Thank you

This feature will AFAIU from Stefan will be in the next forum software update. so soon.

Here are two request’s that IMO would simplifly the forum “helpers” (sorry I couldn’t think of a better word):

  • Have the post message embedded inside the email notification, that way it’s possible to quickly browse the posts in a mobile device.
  • The ablility to reply to the above message via mail. Instead of login, be redirected and, reply, and commit.

Both in similar lines to GitHub. If possible I’m sure that users would benefit from quicker responses from developers/support staff.

Just to correct my previous post: Now I see that the message is placed in the mail, thanks for that forum admin.

[quote=“arthur”]Here are two request’s that IMO would simplifly the forum “helpers” (sorry I couldn’t think of a better word):

  • Have the post message embedded inside the email notification, that way it’s possible to quickly browse the posts in a mobile device.
  • The ablility to reply to the above message via mail. Instead of login, be redirected and, reply, and commit.

Both in similar lines to GitHub. If possible I’m sure that users would benefit from quicker responses from developers/support staff.[/quote]

Replies by mail are not and will not be possible. For mobile use, I’d strongly recommend tapatalk together with subscribing to the forums you are interested in. Tapatalk will notify you on new posts and messages and you can reply right away.