I have attempted to follow the setup guide for Elevon Planes; however, I encounter a repeated issue with the Throttle.
I have attempted to use Servo 3 in function 70 (Throttle) to map my throttle channel to the throttle output of the Pixhawk, but I repeatedly get no response from my motor. I have calibrated my radio and can see it is receiving in the radio calibration page, but when I go to Servo Functions page and check “Channel 3, Throttle”, it’s output PWM levels don’t move at all.
If I change the Servo3 function to 53 (RCIN3), then the throttle functions normally, and I can see it change in the Servo Functions page. I was curious if I could get some help, as I am afraid of this causing an issue during an automatic mission.
I think I may have figured out part of the problem. I was unable to arm due to bad GPS and Terrain data from my faulty GPS module cables, therefore, when I bypass required arming procedures (ARMING_REQUIRE = 0), I can use the throttle as needed.
In terms of follow up, I was planning to replace the GPS wiring, but couldn’t find any concrete details on the types of JST connectors. I am using a Ublox M8N gps module for external measures, and was planning to replace the wire and connector housing with the 4-pin and 6-pin listed below: