Hi All,
I was wondering if anyone out there could help with an elevon problem? I’m building an X8 and thought it was all good to go - I tested it on a bench board before putting it in the platform. Elevons and throttle all working correctly, Pixhawk arming as expected, good GPS etc. I had full control in manual mode and in the auto modes, moving the airframe displayed the expected shifts in the control surfaces.
I then installed everything in the aircraft and low and behold - Throttle works, elevons don’t. I Googled the issue and found one other similar article which was ‘closed’ with no apparent solution.
I tried connecting the servos directly to the receiver and everything works as expected - full movement. It just doesn’t seem to work through the FC.
I’m running a Pixhawk 2.1 with Here. Ardupilot 3.8.4. Taranis TXer and X8R (servo cable running from RCIn on PH to SBUS on Rxer).
I tried regressing back to 3.8.3 and 3.8.2, loading Rover in between to try and ensure it wiped correctly. I’ve been saving my Params with a bit of version control and have tried them all - no joy.
Had a look at the log file (I am new to all this) but managed to find the Servo1-4 and RC1-4 logs and they both show movement on the Elevator, Airleron, Throttle and Rudder (for arming) channels.
In summary - worked before, doesn’t work now - don’t think its a servo issue as they work direct to the receiver.
Any help would be mega appreciated - if the solution is obvious, apologise for the newbie post!!!