EKF primary-1 and Thrust loss-1 error

Hi all,
During another test flight I got error thrust loss_check-1 together with EKF primary-1. Drone entered dead spiral from 50 feet without any indication from perfectly nice hover. I am newbie with drones and learning ropes. Just trying to make some sense why this happens. This is Holybro X650 drone with Pixhawk 6C FC and regular kit with Tattu 6S battery. I had tried to upload in attachment but file is quite large. I have included bin.file in dropbox l;ink bellow. Thank You for help.


That link has an access requirement. Remove it for help.

I see issue with dropbox access. I have re-uploaded new link. Thank You for catching that.

Thrust loss on Motor 4, 3 dropped to compensate and down it goes.

ESC RPM is not working properly. And you don’t have a notch filter configured.
The vibration levels are too high.
Tuning is poor but no surprise as you are on default parameters.
You should be using Dshot300 on the main outputs and I would not suggest a Dshot Rate of triple loop as you have it.

Start over and use The Methodic Configurator.

Hi Dave,
I do appreciate your help and response, I started with Dshot300 and implemented it, and I noticed immediate changes. I am receiving telemetry and gyro indications immediately vs. a 3-4 sec delay before.
Regarding Dshot Rate, I changed it to loop-loop, which is two levels below. I have completed Autotune, but obviously, that is not enough to tune the drone. regarding the Methodic configurator, I just downloaded it yesterday, and I am learning bits about it. In essence, should I accept all suggested corrections out of 54 different pages of parameter lists based on my entered configurations in the initial setup?

No, you should not. You should look at each and every parameter change and evaluate if that is a good suggestion for your vehicle, and you need to follow the instructions of the tool. When it tells you to do an experiment to collect data, you need to do that experiment, so that it can use the data to set the parameters.

Do not be lazy, read it and do what it says.

That is what I had impression. Just clarifying the facts. It would be way too easy to enter all data regarding the vehicle and expect a tool to give you a suggested settings. :joy: