Dual Tailsitter

rangefinder in plane is only used in landings, autoland and QLAND, not as an alt source in normal modes…Copter can do surface tracking with a rangefinder in several modes

So the AHRS issue is because of the EK3_SRC_POSZ parameter changed to use rangefinder?

I tied autotuning the tailsitter, but it always said tuning level failed tune manually.
Why is it so?
If i am right does FF value has any effect on autotuning taisitter?
Should I use FF for VTOL’s or not?

If not whats stopping the VTOL from autotuning?

FF is active and QAUTOTUNE is sometimes problematic…LUA script QuickTune is now preferred…read the wiki on tailsitter tuning…be sure to setup dynamic notch filtering and other params for tuning VTOL in general also, per the wiki

No, I did try the quicktune but I want to compare it with the QAotutune once.
Why an i getting the error messge “Level failed. Please try manual tune”

and in wiki it says its not recommended for tailsitters. QAUTOTUNE — Plane documentation

I will be using notch filters while tuning all the time.

the message “Level failed. Please try manual tune” does not appear either in the QAUTOTUNE or QuickTune.lua code…when do you see this?

When i try QAutotune I see the message

  1. that was not the message…its “AutoTune: failing to level, please tune manually”, you have to be precise when reporting messages, its difficult for others to find otherwise
  2. that occurs when during tuning the vehicle does not return to a tight “level” window after a tuning glitch for 2 seconds repeatedly over 5seconds…tailsitters often have not been adjusted to keep motionless (level) in no wind in QHover and therefore have difficulty in QAutotune…you could try adjusting Q_PITCH_TRIM to get it motionless in QHover (ie level) and try again…but as stated in the wiki QAutotune is not really recommended

Thank you so much.
Then why my QLoiter is not stable as bird drifts away and does random yaw, roll pitching everything possible?

Could you please help me sort it out?

Hello all,
I had VTOL flight test today, where everything was fine but Qloiter.
As soon as I switched to Qloiter bird does rolling + pitching and everything.
I dont see any interreference for GPS and Compass.

Is there anyone who is facing the same issue?
If not whats going wrong so that it can be corrected?

Hello @hwurzburg had to test the Qloiter did fly well in other modes but loiter,
As soon as switched to Qloiter, my tailsitter is drifting and is unstable like anything.
I don’t understand why and how.
Here is the log.
Please i request someone to look into the issue. (@tridge Please!!!)