- This is not the right place for “Tail” Plane questions.
And for 2 Motor Tailsitter (VTOL) the Servos are on CH 1 and 2, the motors on Ch 5 and 6.
For 2 Motors vectored Tailsitters the Motor Tilt Servos on Ch 3 and 4
SERVO1_FUNCTION=77, Left Elevon Output 1
SERVO2_FUNCTION=78 , Right Elevon Output 2
SERVO3_FUNCTION=75, Left Tilt Servo, Output 3
SERVO3_MAX = 2070 , 90° up
SERBO3_MIN = 900 , 90 °down
SERVO4_FUNCTION=76 , Right Tilt Servo,Output 4
SERVO4_MAX = 2100 , 90° up
SERVO4_MIN = 900 , 90 °down
SERVO5_FUNCTION=73 , Left Motor Output 5
SERVO6_FUNCTION=74 ,Right Motor Output 6
Yes, on the Servo Rail is no Power (5 Volt)
With safety Switch enabled, the Servos are moving only if the Safety switch is On.