Dual-motor tailsitters

Hi Henry,

Thanks for your reply and help. After sending you the last email, I continued to do more trial and testing, and found out some of the controls are reversed, either in MP or Tx. Eventually I got it all right in terms of control direction for tailsitter modes and airplane mode (both FBWA and manual).

However, the control surfaces still don’t perform perfectly in that there is one control surface moving later than the other one, some does not move at all in response to stick movement.

I here attach the video …note I am MODE 1 (left stick for elevator and rudder.).

Can you shed some light on what’s gone wrong ?

Thank you.

what mode is the video showing?

It is in QStabilize mode.

I know this is not related to the DUal motor tailsitter. But my copter tailsitter would not want to decent because it could not achieve home point due to the wind. It tried to move towards home but it simply could not move towards it. how can I make it more aggressive move towards home? Log

Hello dev team, I am new for the tail-sitters.
I am working on a tailsitter since last 6 months, since the beginning I’m facing issues with my Qloiter as its drifting away and does random yaw+roll /pitch+yaw. But controls in Qhover are so good that i can make it stay in any place and can control anywhere.
Even with this I tried transition some times, where the QRTL was so scary that i almost lost 2 times and crashed badly. In QRTL it comes to home radius very well and in VTOL does every maneuver possible.

I request for some advises to correct the issues and are much appreciated.

Hello people, I had to test the Qloiter did fly well in other modes but loiter,
As soon as switched to Qloiter, my tailsitter is drifting and is unstable like anything.
I don’t understand why and how.
Here is the log.
Please i request someone to look into the issue. (@tridge Please!!!)

you will need to grant open access to that log if you want anyone to look at it

I will grant access if asked.
I don’t see anyone requested for it.

Hi guys, Ive been facing an issue with the dual motor vectored tailsitter.
the issue is that post back transitioning the throttle value drops significantly, which causes the system to go unstable

attached is the log to the same flight.

im assuming the drop in throttle causes the system to become unstable in windy conditions, and then causes the failure.

how do i go about solving this throttle drop?

Hi all,
I am struggling to set up my TVBS (Thrust Vectored Belly Sitter).
In my understanding, I have to set the Motortilt-servo trim to forward flight position and in QHover/QStabilze the Motortilt-servo should move in positive and negative pitch angles to control pitch/yaw.
But mine is only moving up to the trim value but not to negative pitch angles (see video):
The servo can move from positive to negative and the trim value correspondence to the forward flight position.
My Elevons are moving correctly but since I want vectored thrust they are to small for control in hover.
What am I missing?
btw: the bin-file of the video above : SwissTransfer - Envoi sécurisé et gratuit de gros fichiers
Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

Can you try without airmode. IE RC10_OPTION “153: ArmDisarm” rather than “154:ArmDisarm with Quadplane AirMode”.

I just tried:

  1. RC10_OPTION,153 and reboot
  2. RC10_OPTION,0 & ARMING_RUDDER,2 and reboot
    still same behavior
    thanks for looking into this :slight_smile:

How should I go forward to solve this problem?

  1. change FC?
  2. try earlier FW versions?
  3. change parameter settings?
    Can someone with a working TVBS (Thrust Vectored Belly Sitter) give me his FW version and hardware description?
    Many thanks

Sorry, I’m can’t think of anything else quick for you to try, I am going to try one in the in the simulator. However, it might be a while before I can get to that.

I saw you have arming checks disabled, it would be worth enabling them to see if they warn of anything. You can always force arm from the GPS for indoors testing (without props!). You could go back one or two versions to see if the problem remains.

Thanks, Peter
I know you are very busy, therefore I really appreciate you taking time with my issue on the sim sometime.
I tested:

  1. ARMING_CHECK,13814 no warnings when outside
  2. FW 4.4.4-> same behavior (I think there is now earlier FW for the Kakute H743-Wing)