a video of my vectored tail sitter
It is a 1 m span, 33dm² balsa wing. Weight is 1.6 kg, CG at 17% of mean cord. Elevon surface is around 30% of wing surface. Elevon throw is ±45°. To design the wing I made a little benchmark with the wingtra. My goal is to improve wind resistance and to be able to fly more than 30km at 50Km/h. We will see…
Airfoil clarkys, 12.7 % thick, Cm0=+0.043, Czmax=1.2, flat bottom and thick trailing edge make it easy to built.
sunnysky 2212 KV1400, graupner eprop 10*5: powerful combo, good bearing and vibration free, hover at 25A.
lipo 3s 10Ah
4 JX digital servo 4409MG: fast, strong and only small amout of gear play, they are able to 180° throw provided they are supplied with 500 to 2500 µs pulses. After about 3 hours of flight those which support motor mount got a little more play. not bad…for 10€. To supply servo, I use an 8A 5V external BEC to power the servo rail, it is also a backup for the power module.
Pixhawk is mounted with pad of sticky tape directly on the balsa so it cannot move. I squeeze some hear plug between the pixhawk and the balsa. The result in term of measured vibration is almost perfect.
Tuning is not yet done, there are still a lot to do.