Dual-motor tailsitters

Log definitely helpful

Thanks for your help.

Thanks I’m traveling on vacation for a week but will try to look at it when I get back if somebody hasn’t already

My q_wp_accel problem seems to be related to some Q_parameter. I have changed Q_angle _max from 9000 to 8000 and the problem seems to be gone. To be To be confirmed though.
edit: confirmed in flight this evening, 3 missions with q_land and perfect behavior. I will make a video soon.

Auto mission with a non vectored tailsitter, arduplane 4.1.2.
VTOL takeoff, WPs, VTOL transition, WPs, VTOL land
Thanks to new plane PID et autotune I have been able to move the CG some mm backward and this tailsitter fly better in all modes. Down and up vertical speed can be set separately which is also very nice. Forward and backward transition angle and rate can also be set, this is much better than previously. The new quadplane land feature to calculate the transition location is also a very nice. I use repositioning to land side wind.

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One question, with AP 4.2.1 and MP 1.3.75, what is the first WP? WP1 or WP2? Since I have updated from 4.1.1 to 4.2.1, it makes the back transition in the previous WP to HOME instead of in HOME


I have not tested RTL in a mission like you did but I tested RTL as a flight mode with q_rtl_mode=1 (and rtl_radius=30m). It that case the VTOL transition happen when RTL is triggered instead of flying as FW up to rtl_radius. Something is wrong with RTL.

The mission you see in the video is do_vtol_transition followed by 3 WP and a VTOL_land. From what I have seen the VTOL transition happen after the last FW WP at a distance from the first VTOL WP which seems to depends on q_trans_decel (the lower value the farther the transition come).

I have also successfully tested a more simple mission with FW WP and an VTOL_LAND. In that case the VTOL transition happen again after the last FW WP at a distance wich depends on trans_decel. Just be sure the last FW WP is far enough and q_wp_acc high enough.

a video of torosentado would be great !

That’s right, something is wrong in 4.1.2 with RTL

I have also successfully tested a Mission with:

  • 4.1.1 & 4.1.2 and VTOL_LAND comand
  • 4.1.1 and RTL command

The problem is RTL with 4.1.2

I have to record a good video, I will upload it

I made more flight to test RTL (as a flight mode only) with q_rtl_mode=1.
I do not use home but rally point instead.
When rally point altitude is set to 20m, RTL works always as intended.
When rally point altitude is set to 40m, transition location depends on the altitude and distance (from rally) when RTL is triggered. I mean low altitude (bellow 20m) and short distance from rally make the transition to happen shortly or immediately.
So I believe that transition happen outside rtl_radius only if the plane cant reach rally altitude before entering the rtl_radius.
That sounds a clever way to manage RTL !

@losawing , my last WP before Home is 120m dist. & 25m alt. and ALT_HOLD_RTL = 1500 / Q_RTL_ALT = 15 / RTL_RADIUS = 15 and Q_RTL_MODE = 1.

Since this last WP there is rate of descent to reach RTL_RADIUS but it makes the back transition in this last WP.

And I have noticed testing values with SITL & RealFlight that this happens when I choose an excessively low value (<1) for Q_TRANS_DECEL

Hi @iampete , Windwaning for Dual Motor TS? :wink:

@marco3dr has already tested it successfully with some beta… :slightly_smiling_face:


@nayeem_khatib, we’re you successful with your tailsitter using F405?

Yes, it works very well but the code still needs improvement because it causes unwanted behavior during transitions.
There will also be a marked improvement on the transitions, @iampete is working very well on this thing and the tests i am doing on Realflight are very promising.
At the moment imho it is better to avoid automatic missions and QRTL with non-vectored tailsitters, the results, even if well parameterized, could also be disastrous.
We are discussing it on Discord, in the quadplane channel, I have posted a lot of videos.
I have personally stopped my tailsitters on the ground until these improvements are indisputably tangible on the SITL.
Many things in the code that NOW are good for quadplane are absolutely not valid for tailsitters, its flight envelope is a separate thing.

OK, @marco3dr thanks for the comment. Yes, I have the same problem, the back transitions are successful, that is, it is well parameterized, except in AUTO and QRTL modes. In these modes sometimes randomly the tailsitter destabilize and oscillate in the descent phase after finishing the transition.

@iampete ,thanks you for your work

what is the name of the channel on Discord?

It is for developers, so it shouldn’t be used for help, but you can read it anyway.

Uppsss…, @marco3dr sorry I went right to Discord link without reading your comment above. :zipper_mouth_face:

no compass is needed any more…unless you want to start missions in vtol mode…ekf aligns with GSF after gps vel readings occur and works well from then on…you can lift off in vtol position hold modes,but it will wobble around until yaw aliignment occurs, or you canarm, walk the vehicel around in acircle until you get ekf3 active, and set it down and start a vtol mission…

I dont fly many vtol missions but just takeoff in qstab and transition to fw…can do qloiter and missions with vtol land after that

First Hover tests of my Z84,
omnibus f4 aio
camera/vtx aio 200mw
frsky XSR
20A blheliS running oneshot 125
2300kv motors with 6x4 propellers


@Iosawing, the promise is a debt, after this mission flight there is any better landing. I would like to send one better video but I can not play it. I have to test Disk Gain but weather is not good.

Sitting Bull is a teamwork, four good friends


Thanks for the video. Flying auto with a tailsitter is not something straightforward, congratulation to the sitting bull team.

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