Dual Here4 gps issues on same can port (can2)

Hi, we are testing dual here4 gps modules on the same can port (can2), in the can1, we have connected a radaraltimeter that only works in the can1 port.

in the can2, we have connected both gps and power by external bec 5.3V in can splitter

They works ok, a lot of gps sats compared to here3+


we have some warnings and prearm messages, “gps1 still configuring this gps”
seeing the logs, we see some “gps1:error changed”

we have a lot of issues with here 3+ and now here4, when i connected both to the same can port

we have changeg some can parameters and gps params to try erase these warnings without success.

any solution?

dualhere4.param (18.3 KB)
