Dual GPS RTK Fix + RTK GPS for Yaw Setup

Hi, I have two DroneCAN H-RTK F9P Helical Modules that I have connected to CAN1 and CAN2 of Holybro Pixhawk 6X.
I have one H-RTK F9P Helical Module that I use as Fixed Base.

I want to achieve the following:

  1. RTK Fix on BOTH the DroneCAN Modules.
  2. GPS-for-Yaw
  3. RTK GPS as Altitude Source

Can anyone confirm having a successful setup with these objectives and above modules?

I have enabled CAN and used:

I have followed the forum and ardupilot documentation and set the following:
GPS1_TYPE = 22 (DroneCAN Moving Baseline Base)
GPS2_TYPE = 23 (DroneCAN Moving Baseline Rover)
GPS_DRV_OPTIONS = 0 (Default)
GPS_INJECT_TO = 127 (Default)
GPS1_POS_X, GPS1_POS_Y , GPS1_POS_Z and GPS2_POS_X, GPS2_POS_Y, GPS2_POS_Z have also been set

For GPS for Yaw and GPS for Altitude, I have set,
EK3_SRC1_YAW = 2

I had a laptop connected to Skydroid T10 via USB for telemetry.

Drone was left on for 15 minutes.

I connected H-RTK F9P Helical Module to laptop, setup SurveyInAcc to 2m, saved position, and clicked Use to start injecting RTK corrrections over SKydroid T10 telemetry.

I am getting RTK Fix only on GPS1 and error Message GPS[2] for Yaw Not Available.

No matter whatever combintaion of settings I change, I can’t get RTK fix on both GPS or have GPS for Yaw available. Kindly help me to set this up.

Just a guess, but use the same driver (1) for both. You can disable the second driver (the same driver can handle both ports if they are the same protocol).

Hi @Yuri_Rage,

Thanks for your prompt reply. I have followed what you have said but the problem persists.
CAN1 on Holybro F9P is connected to Pixhawk 6X CAN1.
CAN2 on Holybro F9P is connected to Pixhawk 6X CAN2.

I have attached the logs and params file. Please help me sort this out.
@Holybro please check why this cannot be done.

Firmware version is 4.4.4 since 4.5 official version for Holybro Pixhawk6X has gyro calibration issues.

Hexsoon Dual RTK.param (17.4 KB)



Thanks and Regards.

I would recommend connecting both modules to CAN Port 1 for testing.

Can you confirm which module is which and that they are correctly identified in ardupilot so that your GPS_POS settings match the modules?

Also, deactivate Serial 3 and Serial 4, they are both set to 5 (GPS) currently.

Thank You @Steffen. Sorry for the late reply as I could not test because of monsoon rain here. It worked. Both GPS is now RTK Fixed. Finally I could take flight. Both modules have to be connected to the same CAN Port using CAN Hub. But I am getting some errors. Will post them.