DShot on IOMCU - it's here!

Hello @andyp1per

I have four flight controllers, and I have checked all of them about the type of the MCUs

1 and 3
STM32F427 rev3(2MB) + STM32F100(crystal 24Mhz, flash 64KB)

2 and 4
STM32F427 rev3(2MB) + STM32F103(crystal 8Mhz, flash 128KB)
STM32F427 rev3(2MB) + STM32F103(crystal 24Mhz, flash 128KB)

double-check the crystal again and found it is 24Mhz NOT 8Mhz

I am using the fmuv3 image on them.

BR cctsao

I have uploaded Pixhawk1 firmware to the site, it assumes 24Mhz crystal F100

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Hello @andyp1per

That would be great, thank you.
I just download it and will test it ASAP.

BR cctsao

What were the initial parameters used and how is the attitude control for that bear? :rofl:


The bear wants to fly but it’s too fat to fly.

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Hello @andyp1per

Testing result 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I update my flight controller (4), and I got the following messages

2023/6/30 20:57:26 : Config Error: Failed to update IO firmware
2023/6/30 20:57:26 : Config Error: fix problem then reboot
2023/6/30 20:57:25 : motors not allocated
2023/6/30 20:57:25 : RCOut: Initialising
2023/6/30 20:57:25 : IOMCU: 0 0 0
2023/6/30 20:57:25 : Pixhawk1 00310031 3137510C 33343537
2023/6/30 20:57:25 : ChibiOS: 7fd248ed
2023/6/30 20:57:25 : ArduCopter V4.5.0-dev (b9068d12)

Testing result 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The previous log was taken from the flight controller (4), IO is stm32f103, result failed.

I update the pixhawk1 image to the flight controller (1) it works. IO is stm32f100, result passed.

2023/6/30 23:10:07 : PreArm: Accels inconsistent
2023/6/30 23:10:02 : EKF3 IMU1 MAG0 initial yaw alignment complete
2023/6/30 23:10:02 : EKF3 IMU0 MAG0 initial yaw alignment complete
2023/6/30 23:10:02 : EKF3 IMU1 tilt alignment complete
2023/6/30 23:10:02 : EKF3 IMU0 tilt alignment complete
2023/6/30 23:10:01 : AHRS: EKF3 active
2023/6/30 23:10:01 : EKF3 IMU1 initialised
2023/6/30 23:10:01 : EKF3 IMU0 initialised
2023/6/30 23:09:59 : RCOut: DS300:1-4 PWM:5-14
2023/6/30 23:09:59 : AHRS: DCM active
2023/6/30 23:09:59 : ArduPilot Ready
2023/6/30 23:09:57 : Initialising ArduPilot
2023/6/30 23:09:52 : Initialising ArduPilot
2023/6/30 23:09:47 : Initialising ArduPilot
2023/6/30 23:09:46 : Barometer 1 calibration complete
2023/6/30 23:09:44 : Calibrating barometer
2023/6/30 23:09:43 : Frame: QUAD/X
2023/6/30 23:09:43 : RCOut: Initialising
2023/6/30 23:09:43 : IOMCU: 420 1001 411FC231
2023/6/30 23:09:43 : Pixhawk1 00390031 3137510C 33343537
2023/6/30 23:09:43 : ChibiOS: 7fd248ed
2023/6/30 23:09:43 : ArduCopter V4.5.0-dev (b9068d12)

Thanks, it specifically will not work uploading the dshot firmware for f100 to an f103

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CUAV v5 runs V4 firmware and cannot support dshot600, please help me to check him. pixhawk v6x works flawlessly.

Greetings. Trying to reverse channels on my Durandal and no success.

Motor 1 needs to change direction. When selecting motor 1 under blh_rvmask I reboot the fc and also do hard reboot of the esc’s but the direction does not change


Do you have SERVO_DSHOT_ESC set?

Evening Andy. let me have a look…

Yes SERVO_DSHOT_ESC it is set to 1.

And you have BLHeli32 ESCs rather than BLHeli_S?

Yes that is correct ill attach the blheli32 suite info

Just plugged motors back into AUX channel and assigned motors 9 to 12 and reversing works

Ok, thanks for the report - I’ll see if I can replicate

I also noticed that when the motors were connected to the IOMCU that blheli did not connect due to an error that stated that no active motors were connected.

You presumably have the safety button pressed? Did you check the motors turned?

yes that is correct.

Thanks for the report - it was a bug which I have fixed. I have put up a v5 in the same location - please test. Thanks!