DroneDojo WebCamVideoStream TypeError unexpected keywork argument 'height'

I am trying this precision_parking_aruco.py that was copied from Github (pidronescripts/precision_parking_aruco.py at master · dronedojo/pidronescripts · GitHub) but I seem to have a problem.

Initally, I connected my Pixhawk and Raspberry Pi and followed this tutorial: Make A Raspberry Pi Pixhawk Smart Rover In 22 Minutes! - YouTube

My only issue is that when I tried to run: python precision_parking_aruco.py --connect "/dev/ttyAMA0" I get this error

line 21
cap = WebcamVideoStream(src=0, height=height, width=width).start()
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'height'

Can’t find the solution. Thanks for the help!