DroneCAN GUI Web Tools running on browser

I recently create this DroneCAN GUI Web Tool
Hosting on https://can.vimdrones.com

with this tool you can edit param and upgrade your AP_Periph Device and AM32 DroneCAN ESC,
other DroneCAN device may also work but need testing
you can also monitor dronecan messages on the bus network, doing ESC/ Actuator(Servo) control
now the interface is base on USB/Serial and websocket with MAVCAN

ie. create a websocket output using mavproxy, change usb/serial interface to your case

mavproxy.py --master /dev/tty.usbmodem111401,115200 --out wsserver:

quick trying this tools using ardpilot SITL

./Tools/autotest/sim_vehicle.py -v ArduPlane --can-peripherals --out wsserver:

dronecan javascript binding output generator project is now host on GitHub - dronecan/dronecan_dsdljs


Hi @Huibean,

Really great work!

I hope it’s OK, I’ve moved the video to the top of your post so that it appears on ardupilot.org. Thanks!

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It is OK, thanks Randy!