DroneCAN ESCs telemetry - Negative RPM values

Hi all,
I have a platform with DroneCAN ESCs and I want to enable the "Take-off abort by RPM” feature.
But, it looks like this option can’t use negative values.
When I enable this option, the takeoff is aborted even though I have RPM telemetry from all of the ESCs, 2 ESCs with positive values, and 2 ESCs with negative values.

Also, I’m using mission planned v1.3.81, and under the Quick tab, and Status tab, the ESC RPM shows 0 for the motors with the negative values.

In the logs you can see that the negative values are displayed:

The DroneCAN standard specifies that this RPM value should be a signed number that is negative when the motor is spinning in reverse.

I’m also wondering if it affects the Harmonic notch filter with “ESC Telemetry” type.