Drone tuning with log analysis

hello everyone
i’m trying to tune my new drone but i have some problems
i’m using hobbywing esc+ tmotor 3008 motors+cube orange

  1. i have connected esc CRT port to pin 3 of power of cube, but i read 3 A at all times with minor changes. i tried caliberating it but no luck

  2. in tuning params and changing them and testing, i seem to be using pitch stick but not so much response from the quad, on the other hand in roll, the quad seem to be responsive. and i don’t know if my plots are ok or not in eyes of experts

  3. i should apply forward pitch and a little bit of right roll for the quad to stay where it is, as if it need a trim or smth on radio. i don’t know if i should use trim on them(which i don’t think i should) or there lies another problem in my quad

  4. i happen to see some kind of turns in yaw direction which i think quad made on it’s own and was not my input to the radio. is that correct?

after this test the motors temps where ok. and unfortunately i’m doing indoor test with here 3 as gps/compass

here is my logs: My logs - Google Drive

Update to the latest stable. 4.5.2

The controller isn’t seeing those motors as Dshot ESCs. In the messages it’s still reporting all outputs as PWM. What specific ESCs are you using and are you sure they are BLheli-32? Set MOT_PWM_TYPE,6 if you’re sure they are BLHeli ESCs.

There is a very significant yaw imbalance on this frame. (DJI-X configuration) Motors 1&3 are the CCW motors and they are spinning much faster than the CW motors (2&4). This will cause tuning, yaw, and coupling issues. I’m going to guess the arms you are using have round tubes. If so, make sure that the motors are all perfectly level. Don’t just eye-ball it, try to get a straight edge across the motors to make sure there are no twists. Fix this before doing any tuning. In fact, you might want to revert to initial parameters (as set by the tuning guides) rather than working from what you’ve got. The tune is off, but until mechanicals are fixed you’re chasing your tail to improve it.

DO NOT use any trim on the radio. Don’t. Ever.