Drone is taking off during maiden test. We have it hovering for 5 seconds then the Drove will start to go straight in the air until we disarm it. Any thoughts?
Without a log file, there’s only guesses. Could be high vibration levels. Post the .bin log file from the flight.
Caleb Drone Parameters 12-07-2023.param (16.3 KB)
It says the files to big to upload. is there an alternative way to get help?
Use something like google drive, dropbox, sync, or some other cloud service to share a link to the file.
Remove the access requirement for the link.
In log 06 there is a battery failsafe triggering RTL and it’s climbing to RT_ALT until you switch to Position Hold (use Loiter instead of PosHold). Looks like you attempted some manual tuning but it’s poor with bad output oscillation.
Suggest you reset the PID’s to default and then work thru the normal tuning steps. Set these before doing so:
Configure forDshot600 and you should really flash the Bdshot version of firmware for that FC to take advantage of ESC RPM for the notch filter.
Read thru and follow these steps: Setting Motor Ranges
This will get you to a pre-tune level. Make a hover flight in AltHold to collect data for notch filter configuration and check for output oscillation and vibration levels.