I need to buy a drone for (scientific research purposes) like the 3DR Solo that can allow me to program it and work with different features. I mean, I would like to have a drone where I can access towards SSH, I can deploy C scripts (i.e. the executable), the operating system is a Linux based system (that can be configured also configured), it features the MavLink protocol, GPS sensors and so on. What is the cheaper one?
PS: I need a ready-to-use and not a DIY product
Thank you, but I specified that I don’t want a DIY model. I prefer something like the 3DR Solo.
I saw them but they are expensive. Something around 200 dollars?
I don’t think so. Maybe you could find a racing type quad with an Ardupilot supported flight controller. Holybro perhaps. But it will be more than $200.
Like this for example, the kakute F7 flight controller is supported.
But good luck finding one.
Sky Viper V2450GPS is the only one with the pricepoint you want. But I am not sure if it has linux and/or runs scripts.
I’m not sure they make that model anymore. I have one but getting access to I/O wouldn’t be easy I don’t think. The Journey is still sold but it’s even more limited I would imagine. Also, I doubt scripting would be supported. It’s not on 1Mb boards and Skyviper isn’t even listed on the Custom Firmware Builder to enable it if it was possible.
Up your price target and pay someone to build one for you.
SkyViper Journey can run latest ArduCopter stable.
Companion computer is not Linux but runs a fully customizable open source FreeRTOS.