Hi @dkemxr ,
Thank you for your reply !
Its same drone as here Battery failsafe caused compass error and lead to crash? - #5 by dkemxr
in which i replaced the “faulty” or “underpowered” gps and powered it externally. Also added a second gps (which from accuracy becomes main) and updated ardupilot.
In previous threat you pointed out the Power.flags
which if am not mistaken are the same here 41 == overcurrent. i cannot stress how many times ive checked the cables
funny part is in both occasions that flag went 41 when it was supposed to trigger RTL . In this flight it finished the mapping and it was waiting to RTL. In the post i pasted above i was testing battery fail safe which i have to RTL and when it went to RTL again overcurrent but only gps was lost that time