Drone lagging using set_position_target_local_ned

So, I am giving the target position and target velocity to set_position_target_local_ned. My aim is that drone should follow the vehicle.
Drone is doing what it is suppose to do. However, when I accelerate the speed of my moving vehicle, drone is lagging behind. It is following the vehicle but drone moves very slowly as compared to the vehicle speed. What can be the possible changes i can make ? I am already giving the drone velocity of my moving vehicle still it is slow when I accelerate.

            | PositionTargetTypemask::POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_AZ_IGNORE
            | PositionTargetTypemask::POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_YAW_RATE_IGNORE;

        let msg = MavMessage::common(MavCommon::SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED(
                time_boot_ms: 0,
                x: pos.x as f32,  // 
                y: pos.y as f32,  // 
                z: pos.z as f32, //
                vx: vel.x as f32,
                vy: vel.y as f32,
                vz: vel.z as f32,
                afx: 0.0,
                afy: 0.0,
                afz: 0.0,
                yaw: yaw as f32,
                yaw_rate: 0.0,
                target_system: 1,
                target_component: 1,
                coordinate_frame: common::MavFrame::MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED,

These are my parameters of basic tuning which I have attached.

Thank you very much.

Are all the units correct? Are you mixing m/s with mm/s ?
Is your drone properly tunned, can it achieve thosed speeds in loiter mode?

I am sure that all the units are correct but I am not sure about the drone properly being tuned? How do I check if drone achieves that speed in loiter mode. ISnt loiter mode for holding the current position after flickering into loiter command ?

No, loiter is also a flight mode that you can control with the remote control.

Fly manually and test the maximum acceleration and speed by simply moving the pitch stick all the way forward. Once max speed is achived, or you run out of space (whatever comes first) switch mode to RTL.

Then look at the log to see the acceleration and max speed.