Drone is getting unstable even in moderate windy conditions

Hi users,

I was doing the flight test of M1000 drone with pixhawk cube(orange ) as flight controller. I had done take off of the drone in loiter mode and it was quite windy day. Just after take off ,the drone started oscillating badly due to wind and I was scared and landed the drone. The log of the flight is attached below.

please suggest me whether it is safe to give the drone autonomous mission in these kind of conditions.

your hormonic filter is not set.
enable fft

First, update to latest stable firmware - it is well tested and extremely safe. There are important fixes.

I cant tell what battery you have, your settings are a bit off in all directions.
Connect to MissionPlanner / Mandatory… / Initial Parameters
Put in you prop size, battery cell count and pick the battery chemistry (type)
Select the Suggested parameters and T-Motor Flame parameters too, then accept everything it offers.

After that most filters and battery settings should be correct, including the BATT_FS_* actions - do not skip them thinking “but we’re only testing”.
You should also have these set from the above procedure, check to make sure:

Set these before you do a test flight, this will calm down all the oscillations and overshoots, plus fix the Harmonic Notch filter.
INS_HNTC2_ENABLE,0 ← you dont need a second notch filter
INS_HNTCH_FM_RAT,0.7 ← new after the updated firmware
MOT_SPIN_ARM,0.12 ← these wont be the same as you had them before

The MOT_SPIN parameters listed here will need testing in MissionPlanner motor test. Set MOT_SPIN_ARM to the absolute lowest value for reliable start up and no stuttering. Just add 0.03 to get MOT_SPIN_MIN

With the above changes, Hover Thrust will need some time to relearn, so start in Stabilise mode for full control then just hover for quite a while in ALTHOLD before you see good steady altitude hold. Only do gentle movements until you are sure everything is working as expected.

Send that .bin log file!

These T-Motor T-Drones come with motors and props designed to allow them to advertise very long flight times, which means it’s hard for the motors to follow the flight controller demands as well as we would hope. So do not be too surprised when you reach a limit with the tuning and there’s still some level of poor reaction to wind and disturbances.