Drone hardware causes diagonal movements (possible imbalance)

Hello, I am currently experiencing an issue with flying my drone and would like to request your help. The drone operates normally during standard flights, but when I switch to follow mode, it has severe diagonal movements to the left and right. I will attach a video and the log file for your reference.
Drone Test

Hello @ysw04120800 welcome to the ardupilot community,

Have you read: 1.1 Multicopter hardware best-practices ?

Have you used Ardupilot Methodic Configurator to safely and efficiently fix your issue?

You should follow @amilcarlucas advice but you have the PSC_ACCZ_P&I parameters wrong for the hover thrust you have. It’s probably responsible for much of the huge output oscillation seen in Guided Mode.

Those parameters are automatically correctly set when you correctly use the tool.

It reads the hover thrust calculates the values for the parameters depending on the hover thrust and writes them to the FC.

I have no doubt they are.

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I’m already familiar with the multicopter hardware best practices in the ArduCopter Tuning Guide, but I’m not using a notch filter. My drone’s frame has motors attached with 3D-printed parts. Could this be related?

If you are not using a notch filter, then you are not doing the software configuration best practices.

How sure are you that all motors are 100% aligned?

Is the notch filter essential? I initially included it in my setup, but I removed it because I didn’t notice a significant difference during flight.

It is highly recommended. You probably did not notice any difference because it was either not configured correctly or you do not know how to take advantage of it.

Use the software I recommended to fix the issue.