Drone flies to infinity when using MavProxy takeoff command

Hello everyone,

So I am trying to make my 5inch 6S drone fly with an onboard raspberry pi for a university project. I would connect to the onboard raspberry pi via SSH on wifi and send mavproxy commands to it. The drone arms and even takes off, however, it really does not go to the target takeoff altitude… it goes way higher. Already broke one raspberry pi because of this… After checking it probably was the battery configuration that was set to 4S by default instead of 6S. Are there any other parameters I need to adjust because trying again with a brand new raspberry pi?

There are around 300 parameters that you should configure for proper and safe flight.

Using ArduPilot Methodic Configurator software you get the shortest sequence of steps that gets you there. And in the process around 80 of those 300 parameters get automatically set based on the components that you used.

You will still need to read the documentation linked to at the top of the tool, and you still need to do test flights. It will NOT automatically do all the work for you.

I took a good look at it, and configured the parameters. What would you say are the most important parameters that I need to triple check before guided flight, battery cells, what else?

ESC and all motor related parameters. Do not start with guided, you must start with stabalize.