Drone fell out of sky

Any ideas what happened here? It fell out of the sky without warning. Voltage was good, no thrust loss error.
Alsobthe motors are underperforming. Theyre tarot 4108s. Theyre drawing 7.5 amps at hover when ecalc says they should be drawing 4.5.

A tlog is of little value.

Thrust loss on Motor 1, The opposite Arm Motor 2 drops to stabilize and down it goes for insufficient thrust to fly. A Hex with the proper thrust/weight can fly, or make a semi controlled landing, losing 1 motor. This craft does not have that. That can bee seen before Motor 1 lost thrust.

Could be the Motor, ESC, broken prop, wiring, bad solder joint, etc.

Yeah, yeah. More powerful motors are on the way. I paid for ecalc and it says ive got a 2.1:1 twr. Ill have a 2.7:1 twr with the new xnova motors. In the mean time ill check the solder joints.

That will work.
BTW-What type of power module do you have?

This one. Just a generic power module.

OK. Did you calibrate Current?

Also, the Board Vcc is bordering on Brownout which is the reason I was asking:

It could be the Voltage sensing on the Flight Controller. Those 2.4.8’s are of questionable quality all around. I would check it with a meter.

I haven’t calibrated current. I dont have the required current calibration thing. I will checkbon the pixhawk power.

All you need is a charger that provides mah put back in the battery and it’s simple to calculate a correct amps/volt value from the ratio of mah logged to mah re-charged.
New Amps/volt = (old amps/volt x charger mah) ÷ logged mah

Do this a couple times and it will be accurate enough.