Drone Engage on Raspberry Pi, JSON error

Hi, I have the following setup:
Mateksys F405-WTE (Arduplane 4.3.7)-> Raspberry Pi 4 mod B (Bullseye64) → 4G LTE Usb stick → cloud.ardupilot.org → QGroundControl

I installed the latest version of Drone Engage on the Pi and after a lot of trial and error everything was working fine yesterday. But now it seems the JSON config files have been corrupted somehow.

Anyone with more insight in how Drone Engage works care to share some thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance,

/var/log/syslog from the Pi after trying to restart de_communicator:

Sep 12 14:59:38 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: #033[1;32m=================== STARTING UAVOS COMMUNICATOR ===================#033[0m
Sep 12 14:59:38 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: #033[0;34mRead config file: #033[0;32m/home/pi/drone_engage/de_comm/de_comm.config.module.json#033[0m …#033[0;32m succeeded #033[0m
Sep 12 14:59:38 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: #033[0;34mRead internal config file: #033[0;32mde_comm.local#033[0m …#033[0;32m succeeded #033[0m
Sep 12 14:59:38 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: #033[1;32mDrone-Engage Communicator Server version #033[0;33m2.11.0#033[0m
Sep 12 14:59:38 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: #033[0;33mTue Sep 12 14:59:38 2023
Sep 12 14:59:38 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: 1694523578#033[1;34m seconds since the Epoch#033[0m
Sep 12 14:59:38 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: #033[1;34mLogging is #033[1;32mENABLED#033[0m
Sep 12 14:59:38 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: #033[1;34mLogging to #033[0;33mlog#033[1;34m detailed:#033[0;33m./logs/log_12-09-2023_14-59-38.log#033[0m
Sep 12 14:59:38 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: #033[1;34mparty_id #033[0;33m1694439562#033[0m
Sep 12 14:59:38 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: #033[1;34mmodule_key #033[0;33m1694439562932333#033[0m
Sep 12 14:59:38 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: #033[0;33mLEDs pins “led_pins” are not defined. Notification will be #033[1;31mDISABLED#033[0m
Sep 12 14:59:38 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: #033[1;34myou are #033[1;31m OFFLINE #033[0;33m0#033[1;34m us#033[0m
Sep 12 14:59:38 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: #033[1;34mAuth Server #033[1;37m Connecting to server #033[0;33mcloud.ardupilot.org#033[0m
Sep 12 14:59:38 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: #033[1;34mVerify SSL:#033[1;32m verify on
Sep 12 14:59:39 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: #033[1;32mAndruav Authentication Process Done !!#033[0m
Sep 12 14:59:39 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5. (intern: 4)
Sep 12 14:59:39 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: Unique Key :10000000b0a7a403
Sep 12 14:59:39 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘nlohmann::detail::type_error’
Sep 12 14:59:39 raspberrypi de_comm.so[1871]: what(): [json.exception.type_error.302] type must be string, but is null
Sep 12 14:59:39 raspberrypi systemd[1]: de_communicator.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
Sep 12 14:59:39 raspberrypi systemd[1]: de_communicator.service: Failed with result ‘signal’.
Sep 12 14:59:39 raspberrypi systemd[1]: de_communicator.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Sep 12 14:59:39 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopped DE Communication Service Ver 1.0.
Sep 12 14:59:39 raspberrypi systemd[1]: de_communicator.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Sep 12 14:59:39 raspberrypi systemd[1]: de_communicator.service: Failed with result ‘signal’.
Sep 12 14:59:39 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Failed to start DE Communication Service Ver 1.0.

/var/log/syslog from the Pi after trying to restart de_mavlink:

Sep 12 16:25:20 raspberrypi de_ardupilot.so[4789]: #033[1;32m=================== STARTING PLUGIN ===================#033[0m
Sep 12 16:25:20 raspberrypi de_ardupilot.so[4789]: #033[1;32mDrone-Engage FCB Module version #033[0;33m3.7.2#033[0m
Sep 12 16:25:20 raspberrypi de_ardupilot.so[4789]: #033[0;33mTue Sep 12 16:25:20 2023
Sep 12 16:25:20 raspberrypi de_ardupilot.so[4789]: 1694528720#033[1;34m seconds since the Epoch
Sep 12 16:25:20 raspberrypi de_ardupilot.so[4789]: #033[1;34mRead config file: #033[0;33m/home/pi/drone_engage/de_mavlink/de_mavlink.config.module.json#033[0m …
Sep 12 16:25:20 raspberrypi de_ardupilot.so[4789]: #033[1;34mRead internal config file: #033[0;33mde_mavlink.local#033[0m …#033[0;32m succeeded #033[0m
Sep 12 16:25:20 raspberrypi de_ardupilot.so[4789]: terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘nlohmann::detail::type_error’
Sep 12 16:25:20 raspberrypi de_ardupilot.so[4789]: what(): [json.exception.type_error.302] type must be number, but is null
Sep 12 16:25:20 raspberrypi systemd[1]: de_mavlink.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
Sep 12 16:25:20 raspberrypi systemd[1]: de_mavlink.service: Failed with result ‘signal’.
Sep 12 16:25:20 raspberrypi systemd[1]: de_mavlink.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Sep 12 16:25:20 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopped DE Mavlink Service Ver 1.0.
Sep 12 16:25:20 raspberrypi systemd[1]: de_mavlink.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Sep 12 16:25:20 raspberrypi systemd[1]: de_mavlink.service: Failed with result ‘signal’.
Sep 12 16:25:20 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Failed to start DE Mavlink Service Ver 1.0.

de_comm.config.module.json :
“module_id”: “MT_1”,
“s2s_udp_listening_ip”: “”,
“s2s_udp_listening_port”: “60000”,
“auth_ip”: “cloud.ardupilot.org”,
“auth_port”: 19408,
“auth_verify_ssl”: true,
“root_certificate_path”: “./root.crt”,
“userName”: “carl.gambolputty@gmail.com”,
“accessCode”: “xxxxxxxxxxx”,
“unitID”: “Sparven”,
“groupID”: “1”,
“unitDescription”: “de_Sparven”,
“logger_enabled”: true,
“logger_debug”: false,
“ping_server_rate_in_ms”: 1500,
“max_allowed_ping_delay_in_ms”: 8000,
“led_pins_enabled”: false,
“led_pins”: [
“name”: “status”,
“gpio”: 26
“name”: “LED1”,
“gpio”: 19
“buzzer_pins_enabled”: false,
“buzzer_pins”: [
“name”: “status”,
“gpio”: 13
“name”: “LoudBuzzer”,
“gpio”: 6

de_mavlink.config.module.json (even with logger enabled, it doesnt write any log files in logs) :

“module_id”: “FCB_CTRL”,
“module_key”: “E289FEE7-F4AD-44EF-A257-C9A361316BE7”,
“s2s_udp_target_ip”: “”,
“s2s_udp_target_port”: “60000”,
“s2s_udp_listening_ip”: “”,
“s2s_udp_listening_port”: “60003”,
“fcb_connection_uri”: {
“type”: “serial”,
“port”: “/dev/serial0”,
“baudrate”: 921600,
“dynamic”: false
“logger_enabled”: true,
“logger_debug”: true,
“default_optimization_level”: 2,
“udp_proxy_enabled”: true,
“read_only_mode”: false,
“ignore_loading_parameters”: false,
“message_timeouts”: {

I took your json de_comm.config.module.json and run it on my code and it works.
the only error is that you use [“] and [”] instead of ["].