Drone crash - please help to analize

Hello everyone,

I had a crash with my drone (found at the end of the file)
I couldn’t figure out yet what caused the problem.
Could some of you help me out with this one?

Would be much appreciated, thank you!!!


Hi @xCres679,

This is a Copter-4.3.2 log so I’ve moved it to the correct category.

Sorry to be strict but 4.3.2 is an older stable release so I’d like to separate it from 4.5.x which has just been released and is more likely to have software issues. 4.3.2 is so old and stable that this issue is more likely to be a frame issue (e.g. motor or ESC failure) or a configuration issue (e.g. poor tune on the vehicle).

Thank you for correcting the version thread and for your answer.

I don’t think it is a frame or config issue because the drone flew finely a lot before also I can’t see an error in the control graphs.
I’m definitely missing something so it would be very helpful for me if some of you experts could please help me out. :frowning:

Take a look at GitHub - ArduPilot/MethodicConfigurator: A clear ArduPilot configuration sequence

something is wrong with the motors or the power supply, you don’t have current monitoring, so It’s difficult to see if it’s a power issue. The motors start to lose thrust intermittently as the outputs are hitting 100% meaning the flight controller is asking for all they have and isn’t getting it.

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This should be:
not 42.3

Bad vibrations started about the same time as attitude control was lost and there was even a Vibe failsafe warning. I would say there was probably a physical failure, like prop coming loose or breaking, maybe even an arm or motor mount issue.