DroidPlanner2 and Follow

I am attempting to use Follow Me mode in DroidPlanner 2.
I have successfully programmed and executed a mission using waypoints. I next tried “Follow”.

I have a Samsung Galaxy S4 with 3DR radios. I have a SK450 based DIY quad with Pixhawk.

Attempt 1. I put the copter in Loiter mode about 20 feet up. Then pushed “Follow” on in DP2. The copter promptly dropped to about 1 foot off the ground and hovered above the launch point. The screen showed “Guided” mode. I took the phone and moved 100ft away in an arc. It did not follow. It simply hovered 1 ft off the launch point.
I tried this several times and had the same results.

Attempt 2. I put the copter and one launch point and armed it. I then decided to move the launch point. Picked up the quad and placed it 100 ft away. I took off. Put it in Loiter 20 ft up. I pushed Follow, the screen showed “Guided”. The quad promptly shot off toward the arm point, slamming into a tree in the process. It did not move toward the phone.

IMHO “Follow Me” mode is acting more like RTL without the final land.
What am I doing wrong?


That’s always a headache! I tried follow me mode once as well and the results were a little weird. I was using Droid Planner original. It worked for me but the copter is not smooth it was jerking towards the target it seemed like my quad need some meds to chill out. I would say start with Droid Planner the one that has the icon of a green bubble with a plane on it.

OK I have 3.2rc7 APm 2.6 and using Droid planner new ver (white & blue) using Nexus 7 and 3D radio.
Follow me works 90 % of the time. I have had times that it would not work. (I know not why)
Land and loiter works fine. I do have a friend with about the same setup (he is using 3.2rc10)
and his will not do follow me…We have tried his Nexus with his radio and mine still will not work.
video of it working
dropbox.com/s/4kbq65w7m8jed … e.mp4?dl=0

What ver of firmware are you using ? They tell me it must be 3.2 and that is still in Beta.
I can tell you 3.2 rc7 is working very good form me. 3.2 rc10 is out now and you can get it from MP firmware beta download page

I think I am using the latest stable 3.1.5 pixhawk firmware. I will check. I have not tried a beta version as I thought that would increase the probability of errors not reduce them. :slight_smile: It has just been rebuilt from the last nasty crash (I have burned through my second set of replacement parts). I don’t have enough experience yet to test beta software. :slight_smile:


I don’t think it will work with 3.15
I never tried it with 3.15 and that is why I jumped into Beta
You will also love the PosHld mode it the nuts !