Droidplanner 2 and default altitude

Hello everybody,

I have a small question about droidplanner 2.

On droidplanner 1 there is a default altitude setting which is used for RTL among others

On Droidplanner 2, I don’t find such altitude and in guided mode I can’t set an altitude neither while in droidplanner 1, each time I set a guided waypoint it asks me for the altitude.

Is it me who don’t find these altitudes setting or are they still missing on droidplanner 2?

Thank you for any help!

I use the droidplanner 2 v2.4.2_RC2

Altitude is assumed from loiter height when switching to guided mode. Once in guided mode, you can swipe the flyout from the right side of the screen to view and adjust altitude by a factor of 1 or 10. Droidplanner does not seem to allow you to set the altitude you want it to fly at unless you come from loiter.

So short answer, unless I am incorrect, loitering at a specific altitude is an assumed altitude preset when moving to the next flight mode.

Thank you for your help :slight_smile: