Hi again. I have a question. Sorry for my bad english. I have dragon V2 micro rx and 3DR minimosd. I want to see RSSI value on my ground station.I did connection and setup but I dont know is it correct. I did TX on and off but RSSI value same value. What is the problem. I connected micro rx (photo 1) rssi to pixhawk SBUS port pin 103 ant PPM to pixhawk rc port. Than I selected (photo 2) channel 7 PPM and channel 8 Analog RSSI on Dragon screen. Than, I changed paramater on MP (photo 3). Than I selected pin RSSI analog (photo 4) and I changed min value 1100 max 1900 value, analog pin 103 on minimosd screen. I saw RSSI value 100 on my ground station (photo 5). You can see all screen (photo 6) Nots: Dragon screen (photo 2) RSSI value scale (0). I attach photos my setup. What is the problem Help plaese, Thanks again…
Can you help me please…
You should be using “Mavlink RSSI”, on the MinimOSD, not “Pin Analog”
Thanks for reply.
Dragon … analog rssi
Mission planner… pin 103 and 3.3v
Now…I could see rssi value osd screen and on mp rxrssi with old version mission planner. No problem. But new version osd (r822 or r836) I can not see rssi value on ground station screen. But I can see rxrssi value on mission planner secreen. I dont understand. I want to use new version because I will use 2 battery (main lipo and other lipo). Old version okey but new version is problem. But I Can see rxrssi value on mp, both old and new version. I dont understand. .I use pixhawk, AC3.3 .thanks…
Thanks for reply.
Dragon … analog rssi
Mission planner… pin 103 and 3.3v
Now…I could see rssi value osd screen and on mp rxrssi with old version mimimosd… No problem. But new version minimosd (r822 or r836) I can not see rssi value on ground station screen. But I can see rxrssi value on mission planner secreen. I dont understand. I want to use new version because I will use 2 battery (main lipo and other lipo). Old version minimosd okey but new version is problem. But I Can see rxrssi value on mp, both old and new version. I dont understand. .I use pixhawk, AC3.3 and 3dr minimosd on telemtry 2…thanks…
New version does not set telem port setting so you need to set them up in the configuration parameters screen. http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-telemetry-port-setup-for-apm-px4-and-pixhawk.html
Thanks for reply. A will try this solution this night…