Downloading and reviewing logs from dropbox or google

I’ve read the wiki and those posts that seemed germane, and this is probably a really newbie question, but how do I download and review logs from a dropbox-type web site, and review them?

Have you taken a look through this yet? It’s the “Logs” portion of the documentation.

Thanks for answering.
Yes, hunt0r, I went there first, before I asked my question. It tells you about downloading aircraft performance data using mavlink, the Tlogs and the dataflash logs in onboard memory, and some about analysis, but nothing about downloading and viewing logs or .param files from dropbox or the like. Do I just put all of them into the .log folder in MP ?

I’m not sure what your question is… here’s some basic info that might help:

Dropbox (or similar) is a file-sharing website. It does not work any differently for .bin files (dataflash logs) or .tlog files (Mavlink Telemetry Logs) or .param files, or anything else. So whatever file you’re sharing, Dropbox (or similar websites) should work as usual.

A .bin file is a special file type, it can be viewed/analyzed with Mission Planner (or other alternatives), via the “Review a Log” functionality

A .param file is just a text file, it can be viewed with any standard text editor (wordpad, gedit, notepad++, etc.)

Do any of these help? If not, could you give us more detail about what exactly you are trying to do?

Thanks for taking the time to help, hunt0r.
I understand dropbox, and the process of downloading logs from my pixhawk for analysis,
What I want to do is to download files from dropbox and examine/analyse them, perhaps compare them with my own, in Mission Planner.
My beginner’s question:
Step by step, —how can I do this?

For DataFlash logs, with a .bin extension:
Step 1: Download the log file. Note the place on your computer to which it is downloaded. (Let’s say it’s C:\Downloads as an example)
Step 2: Open Mission Planner
Step 3: Navigate to the “Flight Data” page (top left, I think)
Step 4: Select the “Dataflash Logs” tab (mid-screen, left side, I think)
Step 5: Select the “Review a Log” button.
Step 6: A standard Windows “select a file” box will let you go find the .bin file that you downloaded, at the place that you downloaded it. (for our example, it is in C:\Downloads) Choose that file.
Step 7: After reading the log, a Manual Log Review window will be open, which allows you to plot data from the log for inspection. For more details, you can read here:

Does that answer your question?

Yes it does, hunt0r. Thanks very much. I read the section on downloading and analyzing logs, but if this sequence was there, I missed it. If it wasn’t there, --it should be. It’s not obvious to newbies like me.

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Thanks for your feedback. I’ve requested adding it to that wiki page.

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