Hi there.
I have a pair of DORJI modules DRF443D20-L1. I’ve tested them with a pair of serial-USB converters, all good. I use the setup software to reconfigured the serial data and radio baud rate to 38.4k. Installed on a rover, Mission Planner connects just fine, but then the loading parameters screen take 10 minutes to finish. After than, the data transfer is pathetically slow.
I’m guessing using 38.4 for both the serial and radio speeds is the problem. Could anyone suggest some settings I could try? The factory default is 9.6k for both, would that be enough for a rover - Mission Planner?
OK, come to the conclusion I have wasted way to much time on these boards. They are rubbish.
I managed to get a good link ( 95%, 1.4kps ) with a RF speed of 38k and a serial speed of 19k. Everything seamed fine until I tried to arm it through Mission Planner. Everything froze. No more data.
After pulling out my hair for an hour trying different things, even adding a 220uF cap across the power to the DRF board, I tried a serial terminal program to see what was going on.
In the terminal, I could see all the telemetry data pouring in from the rover. But if I started typing characters into the terminal, like hold down a key for a few seconds, it froze! Fired up the CRO, there was do longer data coming out of the TX pin on the DRF board. If I power cycled it, back to normal.
Anyway, time to let these go and put them down as a bad learning exercise. Back to the ESP8266 wifi connection, limited range, but at least it worked.