Does this mission/takeoff sequence seem o/k

Hi every one,im thinking of doing the following,im going to put my craft into take off mode by switch and hand launch it,then let it loiter for couple of mins till I get my composure,then switch it into auto mode to do a mission with a RTL waypoint at the end does this seem o/k. Be grateful of all advise and thank you

I arm in FBWA, switch to Auto-takeoff mode, then pickup the plane and throw it. If I’m a a busy RC field I’ll change modes pretty quick and get out of the way, but if I’m not rushed I’ll let the takeoff routine finish and establish a loiter orbit. Then you can switch to whatever mode you want, including auto.

RTL at the end will just orbit over your takeoff location so you’ll need to take over to land.

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Thank you for that Allister,hopefully try this tomorrow or thursday.