Does the software use any artificial intelligence?


I am new to the software and I have been looking around trying to find an answer to this question. For whatever reason it is just not entirely clear to me, sorry if I missed any details.

I want to know whether the software incorporates any AI? When I say AI I essentially mean if it can adjust itself/self calibrate to changing conditions or ‘teach’ itself how to fly so to speak.

From what I have seen there are instructions or actions that are pre coded but I do not know if they are dynamic or static. I didn’t want to dig through the code so I figured I would just ask first. My apologies again if this is already made clear somewhere.

Yes, it has dynamic autolearn for control gains and magnetometer calibration in-flight.

it dépends on the definition you give to AI. The code does not modify itself as with neural networks, so in that sense there is no AI.
The auto calibration stuff is just about retroaction loops and solving a mathematical optimimum problem, that is not what qualifies as AI.

[quote=“Hugues”]it dépends on the definition you give to AI. The code does not modify itself as with neural networks, so in that sense there is no AI.
The auto calibration stuff is just about retroaction loops and solving a mathematical optimimum problem, that is not what qualifies as AI.[/quote]

That is more or less what I was asking. Wanted to know if it was self modifying code for a neural net or using any kind of gradient descent or not. Sounds like the Auto calibration does not. That said, pretty nice framework here to try and modify it to have it use a neural net from what I’ve read.