Hi there,
I use HUAWEI mate 9 as the ground station ,the QGC operates very nice but it does not support GEO-fence.It makes me feel inconvenient.I have to input the GEO-FENCE by PC and then use cell phone as the ground station .Is anyone developing qgc to support geo fence?one strange thing is I accidentally entered an GEO fence in qgc by cell phone version,but I try to confirm this function again ,the qgc of cell phone version display it does not surport Geo fence again .
QGC removed support for the ArduPilot geofence format a while ago.
As you’ve discovered, you can load a geofence using another gcs program and it will work with QGC.
ArduPilot is implementing the alternative geofence format used by QGC, so it shouldn’t be long before it all works properly again.