Does power module need current (amps) calibration?

Hello, I have a drone with APM and power module (from an aliexpress kit), it flies very well and shows battery voltage on my radio by using the flysky telemetry, but I will get the 3dr telemetry soon and will connect it to the mission planner in flight.

So my question is: Does the power module need current calibration? I already calibrated the voltage, but I didn’t find current consumption (amps) calibration in the docs! Is it necessary? And if it is, how to do it without a power clamp meter?

Yes. required. It simple to do by mah logged vs. mah charged and then adjust the amps/volt value as it’s ratiometric. A couple of flights and charge cycles and it will be very close.

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The power modules I have are non linear.
The A/V scaling decreases with increasing amperage.
A curve would be needed for precise measurement.

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